January Reading Wrap-Up


Hello everyone! Happy New Year??? Can I still say that? Meh, I’m going to say it anyways! It’s a new year which means, NEW BOOKS! NEW READING GOALS! NEW PODCAST EPISODES!

I have so many things planned for this year and I hope you’ll join me on this little adventure. One of the biggest goals I’ve set for myself is about to come true! Today, I’m launching a monthly newsletter! YAY! More exclamation points! I’ve wanted to do this for ages, but could never find the courage to go for it. Welp, this year I thought, WHY NOT. And today is Thee Day. Volume 1 of the Which Was Better Newsletter is hitting inboxes ::fingers crossed:: at 10 am ET. It’s going to be a mix of blog news/announcements, bookish news, freebies, books to add to your TBR, and maybe some cute pictures of my dog. Okay, there WILL be cute pictures of my dog, Fozzie. He’s very excited. For more info, or to sign-up, click HERE. And if you sign-up, as a thank you, you will get access to the NEW Printable Library, with printables for your book journal/tracker. Y’all, I did NOT come to play this year, lol.

Let’s chat about the January Wrap-Up:

This past month was super busy here at Which Was Better! During January:

Also in this wrap-up are:

Tell me, what did you read this past month? And what are you looking forward to reading in February?


Books Read this Month

Georgie, All Along


My first five-star read of the year. I’m STILL thinking about this book and these characters. I just love Kate Clayborn’s style - subtle, devastating, hilarious, and perfect.

What Happens on Vacation


Y’ALL. This book was sweet and sexy and had one of my most favorite things ever - A VILLAIN WHO GETS THEIR DUE. When I say that I CACKLED…


Vinyl Resting Place


Always excited to start the first book in a new cozy mystery series, but y’all, this one was set IN TEXAS. Like right outside of Austin, so you know I had to dive right into this immediately. It’s a solid start to a new series, with hints of a love triangle, but y’all, I’m here for the Jessup Sisters.


Not Rated

I did not do a formal review of this book because it seemed weird to review someone’s life story? But I will say that overall, I thought it was well-written and engaging even if my eyes glazed over a bit at all of the military lingo.


Faux Beau


This is the second book I’ve read this month where the “wrong” one is actually the “right” one and it’s kinda turning into MY JAM. I love an unexpected romance pick and this one hits.


February Books to add to your TBR

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