Book Review: Big Chicas Don't Cry


I received this galley in exchange for an honest review.

 Annette Chavez Macias

Genre: Women's Fiction

Publisher: Montlake

Publish Date: September 1, 2022

Format: Paperback


This book is perfect for those that like:
Big Families Who Will Call You Out, but Also Love You Hard and a Bit of Romance

You might not like this book if you aren’t into: Stories with Death or Terrible Men Who Write Terrible Letters Out of Guilt

Favorite Line:
"A gift is a gift, and you should always be grateful for anything someone gives you out of love. The day you tell someone what to give you is the day you no longer get gifts out of love, but rather obligation. Well, for me, I’d rather have the love.” ~ Welita


The Book

Cousins Mari, Erica, Selena, and Gracie are inseparable. They aren't just family but best friends--sharing secrets, traditions, and a fierce love for their abuelita. But their idyllic childhood ends when Mari's parents divorce, forcing her to move away. With Mari gone, the girls' tight-knit bond unravels.

Fifteen years later, Mari's got the big house and handsome husband, but her life is in shambles. Erica's boyfriend just dumped her, and her new boss hates her. Selena can't seem to find her place in the world--not Mexican enough for her family, not white enough for her colleagues. And Gracie is a Catholic school teacher with an all-consuming crush, but she can't trust herself when it comes to romance.

As rocky as the cousins' lives have become, nothing can prepare them for the heartbreaking loss of a loved one. When tragedy reunites them, will they remember their abuelita's lessons about family and forgiveness--or are fifteen years of separation too much to overcome?


The Review

Nothing makes me grab for a book faster than hearing it has family drama. I love it all - big and messy, tight-knit and protective, aloof and resentful - if there are families squabbling I am there. This is why I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Annette Chavez Macias’ newest book, Big Chicas Don’t Cry. 

The story centers around four cousins, Erica, Selena, Gracie, and Mari, who all grew up together, tight as sisters, until divorce takes Mari from the group. We get alternating chapters from each of the four and through them, we learn about their families' past as well as their struggles with their own identities, how they view each other, and most importantly, how to balance their dreams with family expectations. It’s a beautifully woven story about love, loss, and forgiveness. Forgiveness for not only each other but for themselves and the choices they’ve made over the years.

I fell in love with each of them in 100 ways as they all reminded me of parts of myself. I want to sit at a big table with these four women and make tamales and talk about life and love and eat pan dulce and listen to our moms and aunts complaining in the background. This story from start to finish was like coming home for me and I will keep these four in my heart forever.


The Author

Annette Chavez Macias writes stories about love, family and following your dreams. She is proud of her Mexican-American heritage, culture and traditions. All of which can be found within the pages of her books. For those readers wanting even more love stories and guaranteed happily ever afters, Annette also writes romance under the pen name Sabrina Sol. A Southern California native, Annette lives just outside Los Angeles with her husband, three children, and four dogs.

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